Well you have come to the right place! Follow these simple instructions to set up a presence on the world wide web!
First of all you need a domain name. This is the unique address of your server space, and is the way that people find you in their browser. This will look like google.com or techco.co.uk. Some companies offer you a sub domain which would look like yourname.techcohosting.com or something like that. That is Ok if you just want a bit of space to display some photographs, but it is not as professional looking as brucethompsonevents.com
What is the difference between a .com address and a .uk address? The .com address is globally unique, which means that there is only one company using that name in the whole world. The .uk address is only unique within the uk, and there could be several similar names registered such as xlsouthwest.org.uk and xlsouthwest.co.uk. This could be confusing for people who want to visit your site, and for a business could result in the potential customer going to the site of a competitor. However because of the demand for top level domain names you may find that the .com name you want is already registered, so a .co.uk domain may be a better choice.
A .com domain name can cost from £10 to £25 to register and the tenure is usually two years in the first instance. If you do not want to renew after the time expires then the name will be available for other people to register after the two years (plus a grace period in some instances). If you maintain your own name registration then the responsibility for continuing the payment rests with you. If the domain name comes with your package, then the reseller will usually maintain the domain name for you. The renewal cost can depend on a number of things, including market forces, but usually increases on renewal to cover inflation.
If you want to register your domain name but have no idea how to start, we can provide a set up service. Just contact techcohosting.com and ask.
You need to have a clear idea what type of site you want, as that can determine the type of package you need. If you want to set up a blog, but have no idea about programming then you need a package which comes with the facilities installed already.
Techcohosting.com can provide a suitable low cost package with the blogging software already installed. We run courses to show you how to get going and can provide a complete start-up solution - all you have to do is log on and start blogging!
The next step is to change your domains DNS to point to the name servers where your domain is hosted. If your domain is hosted with techcohosting.com then the name servers will have been notified in your welcome email. If you need help making DNS changes please read Changing DNS. If you wish to use private name servers you must read Private Name Server Setup.
Note: If you purchased your domain from us we will handle the DNS changes as part of the setup.
After your DNS changes have been made please note that it can take 24-48 hours for your DNS changes to propagate worldwide. During this initial 24-48 hours your site could be working one minute then be offline the next.
If you are a programmer or web designer, you will probably want to skip this bit. Go straight to Sign Up
To install your pages which you have created on your PC, Mac or Linux work station, you need to transfer them to the correct public_html directory on your hosting package. For this you need an FTP package such as WSFTP
or use the built in facilities in Dreamweaver to upload the files. Use the username and password supplied with your set-up information and upload to the supplied IP address or domain name.If required we can upload your files or even migrate your site from another host provided you still have administrative access to the original site
You can have multiple domain names pointing to the same web space, or even the same files if you want, and there are a number of ways you can do this:
An addon domain is a fully functional domain that can be created from your Control Panel. Once it's created it will have it's own email, and it's own folder from within the public_html directory. The files will be separated from any other domain files hosted in that space and can operate completely independently. Addon domain URLs look like www.techcosys.com
Sub domain URLs look like help.techcosupport.com, adwords.google.com. The sub domain can point to a different folder, or even a different server
Parked domains are a place holder site. You park the domain name on top of another site and it appears as the site you park it on. This is useful if you want to register more than one name but do not have the resources to complete all the sites content at once. Alternatively if you create a folder containing one or more files extolling the virtue of your main site, you can park multiple domains on that location all linking to your main site.
If you wish to see a demo site you can check out a secured demo which can be found at username: demo password: demo